Roman Bikini

Interesting Facebook post and picture about the Roman Bikini fetured on the wall murals of the Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily, Italy. The murals are dated around 4th Century CE “Reconstruction of an ancient Roman bikini on basis of a Mosaic from Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily, Italy. Mosaic from 4th Century CE […]

Temple Bar London

// Temple Bar in the picture is a 350-year-old gateway to the City of London, designed by Sir Christopher Wren. It formerly stood in Fleet Street/The Strand near the Royal Courts of Justice and was once the principal ceremonial entrance from the City of London to the City of Westminster, You can see where the […]

Turin shroud analysis:

(Turin shroud pictures from Wikipedia When they tested Turin shroud results results came from the medieval period, but these dates are probably wrong. (I would like to leave a comment here: Please note for many Christians the fact that the Turin shroud is fake or real does not prove Jesus to be fake or real. […]

Richard III

Richard III statue in Leicester // cool Statue of Richard III, king of England. After the battle of Bosworth Field 1485, where Richard III died, he was buried at Friary Church of the Greyfriars, Leicester. The Greyfriars site was then destroyed during the Dissolution of the Monasteries under Henry VIII, sometime between 1536 and 1541 […]

Seahenge: Research and history

Introduction: This is an interesting video on Seahenge, which shows the importance of research when it comes to producing videos about history so that wrong information doesn’t get out. Below is a cool description of what Seahenge is, why it had to be moved, and the history of the site. “Seahenge, also known as Holme […]