Women in Ancient Egypt and false information on Facebook

While on Facebook I found this statement on Facebook.

Women in ancient Egypt were revered as superior and more sacred than men, being considered the source of life and wisdom. It was believed that a man who attained great knowledge, spirituality, and power could earn the right to wear a long-haired wig, which symbolized his attainment of a level equal to that of a woman. The woman was seen as a source of strength and protection for her man, and it is a saying that still circulates today that behind every successful man is a strong woman supporting him”

(the statement and picture can be found at https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=912558597326206&set=a.552267950021941 )

Reading from the above statement, I had to do some research and ask myself a question, which was, were Women in ancient Egypt revered as superior and more sacred than men? – Answering the above question the answer would be no, women in ancient Egypt were considered equal to men and had rights, but not slave females as slaves of either gender did not have rights, free women could buy, own and inherit property also they could run and own businesses etc

Having said this, many positions of leadership were held by men. But there, were exceptions to this as there were female Pharaohs, also Nefertiti could be classed as a powerful woman as she later became a Pharaoh herself under the name Neferneferuaten also some women did hold other leadership roles in ancient Egyptian society, on the whole. more men held these sorts of roles more than women.

But they were not superior to men and not superior or equal to the Pharaohs who were considered like Gods as they thought the Pharaohs were related to, or being the earthly embodiment of Horus, Horus is pictured wearing the crown of the Pharaohs in Some pictures of him.

Cleopatra and other female Pharaohs (see list linked below) are the exceptions to the rule as they were Pharaohs, there were also few preserved examples of women as high officials again this is the exception to the rule as I said, a lot of the leadership roles were men.

Of course, there were female goddesses in ancient Egypt such as Isis, but, I think the more powerful gods in ancient Egyptian religion are Amun, Osiris,, Anubis:, Ra, Horus, and Thoth, as they are high on the list of Egyptian Gods plus they were male, because they are called Gods and not Goddesses.


List of Egyptian deities – https://www.wikiwand.com/en/List_of_Egyptian_deities

Osiris – https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Osiris

Slavery in ancient Egypt – https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Slavery_in_ancient_Egypt

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